CMMS is important software that has done miracles in the industry by making businesses more profitable. It has the capability to greatly reduce the downtime and remove the gaps from the processes and operations that eventually increase productivity and profit. However, to reduce the maintenance cost and improve the efficiency, CMMS is definitely one of the best choices.
It is quite hard to introduce changes in the processes which have been there in the system for a long time but with the change in technology it again becomes crucial to substitute old way of working with the latest technology otherwise the businesses may not remain profitable in the coming years hence, CMMS can do wonders especially in maintenance sector by providing supporting data and analysis related to people, equipment and operations.
Maintenance efficiency is a key point of any business whether it is small or large. Basically maintenance efficiency means measuring the required efforts for maintenance to maintain the performance level of any equipment or machine.
Any business focusing on maintenance workflow is tend to be ahead others but on the same hand also face many issues in implementing regular maintenance without fail here, Prism CMMS can be of great help as it all the latest features to help any organization to keep all types of data such equipment information, date of purchase, maintenance schedule, shift management, all sorts of reporting related to labour and workforce thus the maintenance staff know in advance which equipment needs maintenance and needs to be serviced or which how many workers are working in a shift, etc. Everything is kept on a cloud based storage which is nearly impossible to break and completely safe and secured.
How Prism CMMS does increase maintenance efficiency?
It is now very much clear that higher maintenance efficiency is beneficial for any business or company but it is also crucial that the best CMMS software is applied to get the job done.
Unique features of Prism CMMS:
The main goal of any manager is to ensure that the shifts work with full capacity along with the availability of the entire workforce whether the organization has 8 hour or 24*7 shifts of the workforce should always be available. There are two major challenges faced by any maintenance manager i.e. breakdown of machinery or non-availability of workforce. In case the staff scheduling is not done properly then it leads to the loss of productivity and if the machinery is broken without the maintenance then it again leads to corrective steps which is much costlier to any company. Prism CMMS solves these two major issues without any hassle and not just these issues it also helps in other scenarios like it makes work order related templates, attachments, maintenance history records, inventory management, service request, preventive maintenance tools, work order tracking with corrective maintenance measures, reporting.
Work order templates

It is usually observed that the maintenance manager either uses paper files or excel spreadsheets to store information for managing various activities of the staff and machinery. These documents are shared manually through emails and messages which is not any easy task. The biggest drawback is that the manager will have to physically keep a track of all the information which also leads to many types of loopholes and gaps in the system. It is better to use Prism CMMS software which is capable of creative multiple types of work order templates which are useful in preventive management.
Work order templates basically contain all kinds of information related to the processes, staff scheduling, maintenance records and other information which can be looked back or in future without depending on one person as this information is readily available on Web as well Mobile App. Whenever there is any change in the system an automatic notification is sent to the people who are using these Apps or having logged in the system. For example, the manager can use these pre-made work order templates and add information like the time of service of equipment or details related to the number of labour working in a shift and requirement of labour as per the need of production.
Attachment utility

This is an unique feature that is available in Prism CMMS because with this feature any manger or service team can add information as an attachment and use it at the time of working on the machine or equipment which was a heavy task in case papers were used earlier. Anyone having access to the App or web can check the information and act accordingly in the equipment. This can be explained with an example like there is a situation when there is some problem or breakdown of any equipment then the maintenance staff reaches the spot but this may be delayed in case papers are found related to the last time that machinery was services or other information including date of purchase, warranty papers or any kind of manuals. Prism CMMS software keeps all this information which can be accessed on a tablet, laptop, smartphone or any other smart handheld device on which the App is installed hence it can greatly help in troubleshooting the problem and doing the corrective maintenance along with predictive and preventive maintenance work.
Maintenance of records
At the time of doing service or corrective maintenance the manager needs some information and has lots of questions related to the equipment like when was the last time machinery was serviced or if any part was changed, etc. In this case all the information related to the machinery can be checked on a handheld device because the managers and servicing staff can see all the information on a real time basis despite the fact at which location they are and this leads to quick resolution of the problem. By using Prism CMMS the use of excel is completely eliminated by the manager which does not have the ability of sending any kind of notification to the members.
Service notifications
Apart from the above benefits of using Prism CMMS, another benefit is that it automatically sends a service notification which is not possible in case the digital system is not there. The maintenance team can instantly start the work without waiting to get the information from any person who would go through all the physical copies of documents.
Once the technical team gets all the information on the handheld device they can make better decisions about the future course of action by setting the priority which also reduces the downtime greatly. Similarly it also helps in planning the future maintenance work hence the workforce scheduling can also be done accordingly for which the data would also be present in the system. This maintenance efficiency is increased and the best part is that it is easy to operate and anyone can start using it with our manuals or support of the training team. Additionally, the maintenance team gets the time to provide the resolution of the problem because the work orders are also synchronised in the same system which saves each and every minute.
Preventive maintenance scheduling
It is always better to take preventive measures if the business does not want to have losses due to the unexpected downtime which could have been avoided if a proper scheduled maintenance would have been placed. Hence, Prism CMMS can do overwhelming tasks which is made possible because everything is digitally available. It helps in creating maintenance schedules so that the maintenance team gets advance notification before the time of service as it can reduce the pressure on the equipment and big losses. The advance notification system is the strength of any CMMS and Prism has strongly integrated this technique in the system which is also aligned as per the process of the business. Overall, the maintenance management workflow becomes better with our system and the maintenance managers can also be relieved from the undue pressure of checking the files on a regular basis as there is a proper notification system in place that keeps everything going smoothly with very less effort.
Work order tracking and corrective maintenance
Apart from preventive maintenance there are times when corrective maintenance steps are required in case the breakdown has already occurred. Sometimes this also happens because of lack of tracking on time or avoiding the notification sent by the CMMS. Still, the work order tracking system of our CMMS can reduce the service time of technical staff and let the manager use workforce on other processes by immediately checking the requirement in other processes and operations then delegating the work accordingly to reduce the impact and reduce idle time due to emergency downtime.
Reporting system
To make any process or system work efficiently it is very much important to get through the reports made from the available data in the system. Here, Prism CMMS can do wonders which was not possible in case the manager manually used to search for the data and enter in the excel worksheets as this is done easily without much effort. Once the report is there in the system it becomes easier to manage things because there are many types of charts, graphs, statistics which this digital system can create for better understanding. Hence, the operational efficiency gets increased with less efforts and investing more time in making reports manually.